Wow, my last post was about calving and now summer is almost over!
Since my last post, we have hauled cattle to pasture, gotten the crops in, sprayed several times, got first cutting of hay put up and hauled, second cutting is cut, raked and some of it baled and hauled. Road ditches are cut and almost done.
We did find time to take a short trip to the Black Hills for a cousins wedding and to visit my mom who lives out there.
We also decided to try to get back into golfing.
Our daughter who is 22 has only golfed one time before this picture was taken.
Her boyfriend golfs and she decided maybe she wanted to learn how to.
Since the picture, I took her out once and she did pretty good!
Chad and I don't really have any hobbies and we decided it was time to get back into golfing and to try to have some "down time" in the summer.
We get too busy on the farm and don't take time to enjoy the summer or each other.
This week I paid for a membership to our local golf course for the remainder of this year and next year. I was hoping it would be some incentive for us to get out there and enjoy!
So...we will see if we really do it and how it goes!
For now, we are trying to finish up second cutting of hay, have some building projects to get done around the farm (an new bin and some concrete for our cattle working system). It's getting to be crunch time because before we know it, harvest will be here!
I hope you are all enjoying your summer!
Stay safe, have fun and God Bless!