Here is one of our many pastures of cow/calf pairs.....Do they look like they could use a rain too??!! I have heard of some producers just to the west of us losing up to 500 head of fat cattle. Chad's cousin runs a rendering (dead animal) route and he has been extremely busy. You gotta feel sorry for those producers!

And when you get your rain - send it east! :)
Angus, right?
Do you have all angus cattle?
Amen to the rain. Hopefully we get some this week!
That's so sad. I hope you get rain soon.
We need rain too. After the rainy spring I didn't think I would ever say that but it sure is dry now. I have the sprinkler running now to water down the grass seed. I always wondered what 'rendering' meant.
Amber....yes they are angus!
I will pray that you get some rain. We really need some too.
Ditto on the rain. Our 1/4" last week did not do much. I am concerned about the farmers around here. I have never seen corn look so bad.
Yes, poor things, they do look like they really could use some rain!!! I hope you get it, soon!!
I'll keep praying for rain! I heard about all the lost cattle..they just don't handle this heat! I feel so sorry for the cattle and especially for the farmers that are loseing them all!
Hopefully there will be some rain today :)! Let's keep our fingers crossed!
There's a chance today......MAYBE!!!
I'm praying for the much needed moisture.
As a farm girl(now in a city) I love coming over to visit. I will pray that it rains there for you all.
Rain rain and more rain!!
"pastures of cow/calf pairs"
What exactly does that mean?? hehe!
Tracy...All it means is a pasture with cows and their baby calves from this spring. Sorry about the "farmer lingo".
I hope the rain Gods show some mercy soon!!
I've been following your blog for a little while now and I just wanted to add that up here in Canada we've heard about cattle dying in the heat in your area. It's been mighty hot here and the crops are showing stress but we've had thundershowers and rain weekly so the cattle are okay. Praying that rain will come soon.
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