Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Homecoming Week

This week is Homecoming Week at school. Last night was Coronation and the Burning of the "H". Congrats to King Matt and Queen Kelli! Courtney (on the left) cheering at the burning of the H.
The senior class (those that were there anyway) in front of the burning H.
Jeremy playing his trombone for the "school song" at the burning of the H.


Jamie said...

Homecoming time is so much fun!! Many memories of mine!!

*~*Cece*~* said...

Its sad b/c I feel like I've been out of school SO damn long I can't remember my own HOmecoming, much of it anyway. lol

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm new to your blog. I happened upon it while reading Penless. Can you tell me what the burning of the H symbolizes? I've never heard of that before but maybe that's because I'm canadian and we don't have homecoming here. Can you explain more? thanks and nice to meet you. You are very interesting (and funny) and I'll be back.

Jenny said...

Looks like a great time!

Susan said...

Fun times indeed!

Hope4Grace said...

The only part of high school I missed, school spirit.

Amber said...

Homecoming! What FUN!

0:) Amber

Michelle said...

I was always a chicken and never wanted to be around the burning of the H. It scared me! I can't believe they still do it.

Go Big Blue! (Do they still cheer that?)

Unknown said...

Neat! I love the color of Jeremy's jersey. Gorgeous!

Unknown said...

high school memories at its best..What nice pictures. Looks like it was fun!

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Ester...The H stands for "Hamlin" the name of our school but I have no idea what the burning of the H symbolizes...it is something they have been doing for many, many years. I think it may just be a school spirit thing.

Pen of Jen said...

Very neat! We always have a large bon-fire....cool idea(or should I say hot?)

kdwhorses said...

How great, I miss homecoming-the school spirit and all. Sounds like you all had fun! Our homecoming is still a couple of weeks away, but us moms are already getting ready. Trying to decide how to decorate the lockers, signs around town, etc. This is my first year helping and it is a big production. Go Troup Tigers!!

Jen said...

Good luck with homecoming. We were just out on the field this morning practicing and none of my flag corps girls can keep it together and the band sounded horrible. The band director informed me they were going to get a good chewing today in band. YIKES! I will be glad when its all over!

Lori said...

What fun! I remember those days.
Just seeing that letter burning brought back memories.

Midlife Mom said...

What fun times! I enjoyed my sons high school years so much with all the functions! Enjoy them, they go by way too fast!!

Anonymous said...

This was Rebel Girl's homecoming week also. They are having "80's Day" and she wanted to know if I still had some clothes from back in the day. I didn't... I knew I should have held on to some of them!