Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Technologically Challenged

Hey, I am making progress.....yesterday I bid for the first time and last night I made my first ever eBay purchase! Ok, I have to fess up, my son helped me with the whole Pay Pal thing but I am still excited, I am making leaps and bounds in this computer world (ok, maybe not leaps and bounds but definitely baby steps).


First Time Mommy said...

Way to go on the ebay purchase! I didn't really learn how to do the whole ebay thing until Jeff showed me awhile back! So don't aren't the only one :)!

Have a great day!


Momma Roar said...

Yay for you!! Guess what? Ebay is how I got started! hee hee

Jen said...

I still get a little nervous figuring out the paypal thing. Good for you!!!!

Michelle said...

OHHH! It's so addicting. What did you buy? When I get the highest bid in the end, I always yell out, "I won!" My hubby says it's not really winning...I suppose technically it's not. If I really won it, then I wouldn't have to pay, huh?

It's all downhill from here, you'll be buying all your neccessities online now. You'll never have to leave your house again! Ha Ha!

Susan said...

You're one ahead of me Chris. I've never bid on anything on ebay. Have tried to check the price out on a couple of things. When you get to be the pro I know you will you can teach me!!!

Heidi Jo Comes said...

well, what did you purchase??

Susan said...

Chris, I hardly watch TV either any more.....much rather be reading blogs and making contact with real people and real life!!

kdwhorses said...

Good for you!! The whole computer thing is annoying at times, I swear my computer does things and is laughing at me for not being able to figure it out! I have bought on E-bay before, not in a long time. Be careful it can be addicting!! Is that not crazy that we have to ask our kids how to work these things!!

Midlife Mom said...

Thanks for answering my questions. I'm glad you don't use the electric prods, I think they are cruel and abusive. Some of the horse pulling people use them here and I think it is disgusting and cruel. No wonder my little rescue pony is so skittish when first harnessed up to the cart, he's probably waiting to be zapped with a prod! I'd like to use the electic prod on the people that use it one the poor animals!!!!

Jamie said...

Ebay is so awesome. I find tons of stuff on there and cheap stuff mind you!! I think I have purchased over 500 things...from perfume to clothes to shoes. (That isn't just for myself.) LOVE IT!!

Way to go Frazzled Farm Wife!

Just Mom said...

never tried ebay.

amazon and i are best buds.

*~*Cece*~* said...

Congrats! Pretty soon you'll be doing online dating & stuff! LMAO!

Amber said...

You'll be a geek like Leigh Ann and me b4 you know it-LOL!

0:) Amber

Myrna said...

Good for you! I remember feeling like I had really accomplished something when I figured out Pay Pal the first time. Of course, it can be a dangerous skill to have! :-)

Pen of Jen said...

Once I accidently bid 1000.00 for one I meant 10.00. The panic was horrific, and after a few frantic emails all was cleared up. So I am a little cautious but I do continue to use it!!!!

Rising Rainbow said...

ebay is what got me started on the computer. I couldn't just sit down and play, had to have something "real" to do. So I started selling on ebay but I'm still technologically challenged. My daughter had to help me get started and if I have problems, she has to help!!

Jenny said...

oh, oh, I {heart} ebay!!! Beware: it is addicting--just like blogging! :)
Congrats to you!

Kerrie said...


Tracy said...

I have YET to purchase anything on eBay. It just appears too hard for this chick.


sarah said...

Ebay is just the beginning....have you discovered yet? *evil chuckle*

Unknown said...

Good for you! Everything we learn and do really is done by baby steps! I'm right there with you on the technology. I get so thrilled over each and every little progress I make!