Thursday, September 18, 2008

Nothin' New

Nothing new going on around here. I have been busy canning the tomatoes....did several more jars of salsa yesterday and I have one batch of salsa and a batch of spaghetti sauce going right now. My sister gave me some plums from her tree and I am hoping to get some jam or jelly made with those too but I may just run out of time!


Unknown said...

Nothing going on here either.. But sounds like you get to stay busy

Just Mom said...

You are just the canning queen, aren't you. :-D

Unknown said...

Oh this brings memories of helping my aunts and grandmas can when I would visit them in W.Va. I'm such a city girl, I wouldn't know where to begin on my own. Of course these days, I could buy a book or look up instuctions on the internet couldn't I?? If I really wanted to!