Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Courtney's basketball career has come to an end.

They were beat out of the first round of districts last night.

I have one really sad girl here!
I am trying to convince her (and myself) that there is life after basketball.


Sharon said...

So sorry to hear about her team getting beat out.
I remember when my youngest son's team got beat out in the first round it was a sad time for him but then track started and life went on.
My grandson's team got beat out last night in the first round.
He too is sad but he said that he will have track to look forward to.
thanks for sharing and hugs for Courtney.

Heidi Jo Comes said...

sorry to hear that. in the moment it feels like the most important thing in the world. time will ease it.

Susan said...

Another ending.....but there is always a new beginning awaiting.