Thursday, February 25, 2010


I got my very first tattoo last week! I am so happy with it, it turned out really good. I have
been wanting one for a few years now and I finally had the guts (and the friend there to help me through it).

Right after he got done doing it....Jeremy's name is on the right hand side, you can't see it very well in this picture.

Adding the color....

Right before he started....I was a "little" nervous at this time.

My friend from high school that I have reconnected with was there holding my hand. It was so fitting for her to be there, we experienced a lot of our "firsts" in life together.

During the was just a little painful....ok, a LOT painful!


Brenda said...

Ok, that last picture of you in pain confirmed for me that a tattoo is not in my future! I cry over a hangnail!!!

Sarah said...

That is too cool!

Joyce said...

Good to see you back. I know all about viruses. What courage to get a tattoo. Looks good. I hope you got a lot of pictures of the last basketball game.

Love and Hugs,

Heidi Jo Comes said...

oh you brave woman. thanks for telling the truth about the pain involved. solidifies that i can not handle it:0)

Sharon said...

I can tell you that is something I could never do. I cried in pain when I got my ears pierced.
I don't handle pain well at all.
It is cute however.

Amber said...

Isn't the top of the foot one of the most painful places to get a tatoo? That's just what I'm heard!
You are super brave!

Amanda said...

Cute Cute cute tattoo! No way could I handle it though! I cried just looking at the picture!

April said...

It looks great. I have 3 of them. Why I kept going back for so much torture is beyond me. LOL. Love the hearts with the names.:)

TnTConnect said...

Very brave and awesome color.

Just Mom said...

Cute, but OUCH!

Tracy said...


But very cute!! ;)