Monday, October 18, 2010

Corn Harvest

The corn harvest is going well!
We have had beautiful weather and so far no major breakdowns. The sunsets have been gorgeous.....

My father-in-law in the combine, we keep movin' along.....

A must to get through the harvest, lots of diet coke!

My bubba keg full of water, on top of my grain cart scale monitor.....

My gauges and controls.....

My sirius radio....nothing like listening to 80's music all day!

and the buddy seat right next to me....anybody want to come ride along in my buddy seat??


Crystal said...

I'm glad to hear everything is progressing smoothly! You are lucky to have Sirius satellite in the tractor! We were at my sister's yesterday and they were using a grain cart because the fields are so wet that the trucks can't get out when they are loaded. The swather got stuck just as we were leaving but the grain cart tractor has a giant towrope under it so they don't even have to unhook the cart in order to pull the next person out! Have a good week!

Anonymous said...

I just might have to try out your buddy seat one of the evenings. Laurie

Sharon said...

Glad to hear that everything is going smoothly for you.
I would like to try out that buddy seat.
I listen to Sirius radio on the weekend when I am doing housework.
Love it.
Have a great day.

Farmchick said...

Hi--glad your corn harvest is going far as your buddy seat...naw....I have my own buddy seat to fill now that my youngest is in school :( Have a great week!!

Anonymous said...

How is Courtney adjusting to college life?

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Nope, thanks anyway! We've been there, done that and chopped 761 tons of corn silage. I love your buddy seat though...we don't have one in any of our tractors here on the Missouri Ponderosa.

Ya'll have the most wonderfully blessed and beautiful 'fall' day.

Best of luck on the crop!!! :o)

Joyce said...

You are so lucky. I have seen those combines in the field but never up close. We are a little behind and hope to switch over for beans on Sat. We are praying for rain since it is very dry in many counties in Indiana.

Love and Hugs,

Rising Rainbow said...

Glad that corn harvest is going well. Sounds like a little more relaxed than in years past.

SAH in Suburbia said...

These are great pictures! I'd love to be back riding in the combine. There's a song by a Canadian Band "High Valley" and they have a great song called On the Combine. Brings back some fun memories.