Thursday, November 11, 2010

Girls Day!

A few weeks ago one of my best friends from high school (Jodi) was back in the area after having moved to California a few months ago. One of my other best friends from high school (Michelle) drove from Minnesota to my home too meet up with us for a fun girls day. We had serious talk and a lot of laughing and a bunch of fun!!!!!
High School (and Middle age) best friends....Jodi, me and Michelle

The "real" us....being goofy!

Courtney was back from college to vote and hung out with us for a few hours.
She loves her "big sisters".


Sharon said...

It sure looks like you had a great time.
It is wonderful when HS friends stay in touch.
Have a great Thursday.
Get ready for snow also.

Farmchick said...

Looks like a good time! :) Good for certainly deserve it.