We took our oldest on his very first college visit today which has left me feeling old and a little weepy. Don't get me wrong, I am excited to be sending this awesome young man into the world but yet am still a little sad thinking about having him away from home. He and I get along very well and he is such a help and treasure to me. I am going to try to get through this Senior year of his as happy as I can but deep down there will be a little sorrow in my heart along the way too. (I am counting on you, Laurie and all of my blogging friends to help me through this year).
Ok, enough sappiness (is that a word?), I want to tell you what I saw when I got home. Jeremy and I were taking a semi to the field and couldn't get through the road....a neighbor kid (about 15 years old) had their semi jack-knifed, the tractor part was in the ditch with the trailer taking up most of the road and the back wheels were in the air. I asked if he needed help or had gotten ahold of someone to come help him....his answer was "I called somebody but nobody has shown up yet". Ok that's cool but knowing this family, I think he had been sitting there awhile and the thing is right over a hill, so if anybody would have come from the other direction, they would have crashed right into him. He made another phone call and after about 5 minutes, a suburban with the driver being about 10 years old, maybe 11 and her passenger was maybe 6 or so. Those 3 must have pulled the semi out themselves because we were backing our semi down the road to turn it around in an approach and when we looked back, their semi was out. Ok, so I don't have a problem with the kid driving the semi because both of our kids were about that age or younger when they started (the driving age in our state is 14 if you are wondering) but I really have a problem with the young girls driving (about 2 miles) to help pull a semi out. Laurie....I bet you can guess who it was!
Do you think I am way over-reacting to this situation?
Oh my, he looks like his dad. I'd be weepy too. Where would he like to go to school and for what?
HELL NO!!!!!! Sorry about my language - but, HELLO!! Where are the adults? There must me some adults that would to his rescue and not send such young kids. Scary!!
Chris - Where was your camera? he he!!!
Oh, you're kidding me. Someone actually sent little kids?! Yeesh!
BTW...I get weepy about sending my son to preschool. I'll be a basketcase when I'm sending him off to college.
Michelle....we toured Augie and he wants to tour a few more in state and one in Mn. and one in Iowa. He has no idea what he wants to go for...he wants to farm but we are making him go to school first. He's maybe looking at Math teacher or something in the Science field.
Amy...The sad thing is these kids run around all the time without any adult supervision...on go carts, 4-wheelers (4 or 5 on at a time), rafting on the stock dams, whatever they can get into. I try not to look because it makes me nervous.
Susan...I was so wishing I would have had my camera with me...the site was unbelievbale...Thank God his trailer was empty.
Oh my - I couldn't even imagine.
Each step as they grow is hard - I'm learning that too.
I know, it is so hard to see our kids growing up so fast, even though we are proud of them at the same time!!! =) Both your kids seem like they are just wonderful teens!!
Wow those are some industrious kids. I suppose if you don't have parents that care as much as they probably should you might wind up in a few ditches.
The year I took myu son to college I cried the whole way there......it was about 12 miles away! ha! Then he came home for the weekend! It is hard though, you want them to grow up but still you want them to be your little boy. Mixed feelings. for sure.
That's incredible about those kids driving at that age!! Yikes!!
Just read your comment about your mother wanting a balloon ride. Please drop me a line by e-mail so I can get back in touch with you.
If you head over our way...let me know! My husband does admissions and marketing at the college in our town...which happens to have a GREAT education program! You're in his territory, but I just wanted to make sure that you visit with him, if you come.
I agree with Amy, where are the adults? I can't believe that, actually I can. Its SD, enough said.
Chris - Check out my latest blog....I've given you a challenge in it!!!
That seems way too young. I grew up in the country and I know young boys who drove farm equipment, etc. at about 13 or so, but I think 10 is way too young. And also, where were the parents?
Sounds a little scary to me.
You are NOT overreacting! Where is the adult supervision...that is just crazy and DANGEROUS for EVERYONE!!
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