Monday, September 10, 2007


I got the huge honor of going to see Nickernoodle and Bryon and Kristi with many others from their church perform in Bravo last night. It was a great show and the food was delicious! One of the highlights of the evening was getting to meet Nickernoodle in person for the first time. She confused me for a minute when she introduced herself as "Jennifer"...I am so used to calling her Nickernoodle. Another highlight was getting to watch the show with my nieces...Kennedy and Kassidy...they are both such sweethearts. I was honored to spend the evening with my husband and kids too! We don't get to do much as a "family" anymore so it was nice to get to spend the evening together.
Thank-You Kristi for the tickets...we appreciate it and you very much!


Christie Belle said...

Sounds like fun times! And you are definately not the only one who has felt pulled in 10 different directions, you are not crazy by any means. I about lose my mind when I feel torn in different directions too. I don't deal well with pressure. Hope things are looking up since that last post!

Unknown said...

You all made memories. I know how hard it is as the kids get older, to get time to do things together anymore, so I'm really happy this happened for you!

Unknown said...

that does sound like fun

Teresa said...

It was great to see you at Bravo. We really enjoyed the show also.

Pen of Jen said...

How fun that you got to meet another blogger!!

Sounds like it was very neat!!

Michelle said...

I would love to do something like that with my nieces. You are certainly blessed to live so close to family. I wish ours wasn't so spread apart.

First Time Mommy said...

Sounds like a good time was had by all!! Any time spent together as a family is a wonderful thing! I am so glad you were able to spend time with your family (I know that's one of my favorite things to do)!

Have a great day!


Jen said...

It was great to meet you too and I didn't mean to confuse you!!! Kristi even said that I should use the name nickernoodle when introducing myself to the tables I was waiting on. Glad you enjoyed the show. I had a great time and I have figured out that when Kristi and I are around each other, all we do is giggle and have so much fun. I told her we were going to get in trouble and she agreed, then we just started laughing again. It was great to meet you finally and I hope to see you again soon!

Lori said...

How neat to meet another blogging friend.
Glad you had a fun time.

Jamie said...

How fun to meet another blogger!! You just never know who you will find!! :)

Susan said...

I'd read on Nickerdoodles (Jennifers)blog about your meeting. That is so great. Can't believe neither of you thought of a picture :o(

Tracy said...

sorry but what is BRAVO??

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you guys had fun! Family time is always good.

Jen said...

Sorry Tracy!!! Bravo is a function our church choir does every year. We do a big Italian dinner that is catered by a wonderful place here in town and then we do diff. solo parts. The choir then sings about 3-4 songs together. Its a great fundraiser so we can do diff. outreaches.

kdwhorses said...

How cool you got to meet one of your fellow blogging buddies!! Glad you had a great evening out!

Jenny said...

I'm so glad you got to meet a new blogger friend! Isn't it so much fun?!?