Thursday, September 6, 2007


Do you ever feel like you are in a tug-o-war...only it is you and your mind being tugged in 10 different directions by 10 different people and 10 different commitments and you can't seem to please any of them or simply do enough to keep caught up??!! Please tell me I am not the only one experiencing this or the only one that thinks I am going CRAZY some days! I really think that I am LOSING MY MIND! Oh, and my family will be the first ones to tell you that when I get like this I am a total CRAB!
I have got to plug this sister-in-law (Kristi) has a very good post on here that every wife should see! Go check it out...


kdwhorses said...

Vent,vent....I do have those days as well. I think it comes along with marriage and motherhood! So to answer your question, no you are not crazy! I think some days I am just spinning in circles, not accomplishing anything! I hope your day gets better! Stop and take a deep breath and then keep saying it will get will get better.. there is a silver lining...somewhere!!! :)

Amber said...

This crab plays tug-o-war! I can't stand it!

BTW, you won my contest, email me AmberTITL @ could do a $10 gift card or honey from, just let me know what you'd rather have.

God Bless,

JUST A MOM said...

can I join your club?

Jamie said...

I have so been tugged and tugged. Take a deep will get better!! :)

*~*Cece*~* said...

Been there done that.

Anonymous said...

I *so* know what you are talking about, and I get cranky when I'm in that situation, too. It all just gets to be too much... Take a deep breath, hang on and use one of my favorite affirmations - "This too shall pass."

Susan said...

P/S. I Just followed the link. How cute!!!! Makes us think, huh?

Unknown said...

I'm on that page with you right now girlfriend! I have had a couple of days in a "daze" not knowing what to do next. It can be so overwhelming at times. I've learned to take some time away from it all with God's Word and prayer. That seems to get me into a better mood!

Hang in there!

Jenny said...

You are not the only one. If you need it, I'm giving you permission to say the word "No." I've finally found something within me to be able to say no to some things that people ask me to do. They might be really good things, but I can't do what I need to do if I'm doing everything. And, they eventually get over being upset at your answer, and then they admit that they respect you for being able to say no.
I hope you get back to yourself soon, and not be so crabby :)

Jen said...

I am there right now Chris. I get panic attacks and my heart starts racing and I feel light headed and nervous. Right now I have Bravo this weekend plus I am still trying to finish the flag corps routines and homecoming is 2 WEEKS FROM TODAY!!!! AAGGHH!!! I know how you feel.

First Time Mommy said...

I think everyone has those kinds of days! I know I sure do! You are NOT crazy :)! It'll get better :)!

Have a great day!!


Anonymous said...

Does it end??? Umm I'm not so sure...I'm in one of those YEARS! Oh yeah, that's right. I should try to be uplifting! Just kidding. My only advice is that I try to keep foremost in my mind that it is my job to prepare my kids for life (and my husband as well, but that may not apply in your house). So, I can't run myself ragged solving all their problems because I won't be there forever to do if they forget their homework, there are consequences. If they didn't do their chores, they have to go do them in the dark. We are a family and we help each other, but I want them prepared for life as well...and I don't want to be crazy.


I forgot to sign in before I typed all this and didn't want to lose it all!

Teresa said...

Thinking about you today, Chris! Hope your weekend is more relaxing.

Midlife Mom said...

Oh boy do I ever relate to what you're saying!!! I am in the 'sandwich' generation, I have kids and grand kids but I also have my parents living with me that I take care of plus my 90 year old FIL lives right next door so we look out for him. Some days I just want to go in my room, close the door, turn off the phone, turn on the AC and just lay on my bed for a few minutes ALONE!

I agree with coach, you have to learn to say NO sometimes. I am trying to learn to do that and have been doing much better lately. Last winter I was so over booked with things at church, appointments, quilt class, gym, etc etc that I carried my daytimer with me at all times and I just won't do that any more.

You are not crazy!! Take care!! xoxo

Amanda said...

UG - I hear you girlfriend!

Tina said...

I can relate

Myrna said...

I have a little lady scarecrow music box that has this saying on it, "Of the many things I have lost, I miss my mind the most." It plays the song,"If I Only Had a Brain." It was given to me by two friends who knew I thought I was "losing my mind" from being in the very situation you described!

Kimmy said...

oh yeah... feel the tug a whole lot...

AND thank you for your kind comment re: our anniversary! ~ Kim

Lori said...

I so hate to be sooo busy. (which we are).
It totally stresses me out too.