It's our last day of cutting silage if all goes well...woohoo ! We've done my father-in-law's, a good friend's and are now working on ours. I am on dinner and lunch duty today. I have spent all morning getting dinner ready and baking cookies for lunch later on. I really need to spend some time getting this house cleaned but other "things" keep getting in the way (the barn, farm work, pig chores, loading pigs, getting hog barns ready to pressure wash, volleyball, football etc.). Oh well, can't fret over the "little things"!
You guys are just busy little bees. :) I hope you get all the stuff you want to done.
We're starting ours tomorrow - been helping two other farmers in the area. I'm so thankful I don't get dinner duty - I do not like cooking for a big group. I'd rather be out in the field working than cooking.
I always put house cleaning on the bottom of the list - it's just not any fun in my book.
You all sound so very BUSY! Good luck getting all your stuff done :)!
Have a great day!
Amen Amy-house cleaning is at the bottom of my list as well! Chris I agree don't fret over the little things-they will still be there later or tomorrow! I have had to start thinking that way or you will work yourself to the bone! I hope you all get it done soon!
Cookies???? What kind of cookies? Mmmmm.... :)
You also forgot in your list of things getting in the way, blogging. But I am glad you are. Cookies, HMMMM, are you coming to town at all today?!
Ok, you know I have NO idea what that means, but you sound super busy! lol
I can honestly say that I've never pressure washed anything, it sounds fun! If I were closer, I'd volunteer (if you included a hanky for my nose) to help with the pig barn
Just curious how many you have to cook for. I'm surprised you ever have time to do your blogging but so glad you do!!!
Susan....I just cooked for 4 today and then myself. I have let a few things slide since I started blogging (like housework) and I used to watch some TV but very rarely watch anymore. Priorities you know...blogging is high on the list!
Don't mean to sound stupid but what is silage? Is it what you feed the cows and the pigs? I have been envisioning loading pigs, they can't be the most cooperative creatures. Tell me how you do it, I'm sure you don't lead them on one at a time like we do the horses! Once when I was a little girl, in the dark ages, one of the farmers pigs got out and went visiting around the neighborhood. It was a HUGE pig and the only way he could get him home was to put a pail over his face and back him home!! This is a true story and somewhere there is a picture, wish I had it so I could post it! ha!
Busy as usual, lol. Good luck with getting everything done, I know y'all will though:)
Midlife Mom....silage is a feed for the is corn that is chopped (the whole stalk). It's really a treat for the cows...they love it!
Loading pigs can be difficult...We take them out of the pen in groups into an alleyway and then down the alleyway into a loadout (kind like a small pen) and then up the chute and into the semi. It can take some time especially since we don't use prods....just lightweight panels to move them along.
I believe your story because if we have a stubborn one that will not leave the pen, we curve the lightweight panel around his head and back them out of the pen.
you are so right! you can't fret over the little things, and i'll bet you a whole herd of cows that your messy house will be waiting on you when you get back from all that other stuff. :)
here's to enjoying life....and eating after the harvest!
Oh! Oh! Oh! Ok, I have no idea what this means, but farmers say/do it all the time.
"I have spent all morning getting dinner ready and baking cookies for lunch later on."
Dinner must be what I consider lunch, right (noon meal)? But then what the heck is lunch that's 'later on'?
Oh sweet relief! Midlife Mom asked the question for me so I didn't have to! Silage?? Hmmm! Thanks for helping me enlarge my vocabulary.
Kerrie...we consider dinner to be our noon meal and lunch is mid-afternoon (around 4:00 or 5:00) which is usually a sandwich and a cookie.
We usually don't get our supper (evening meal) until 9:00 or 10:00 or whenever we come we get awful hungry if we don't eat a little snack (lunch) between noon and 9:00. Maybe that's why we are overweight too??!!
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