Wednesday, June 16, 2010

New pigs have arrived!

We got our first group of wean-to finish pigs on Monday night.
The pigs all settled in and ready to sleep....and I was too as it was about midnight at this point.

Frazzled Farm Family.....Chad and Jeremy in back, Courtney and me in front.
We are a little worn out and sweaty at this point. It was 84 degrees in the barn and we had all been up for 17 hours at this point.

Courtney thought the little pigs were so cute.

And so did Jeremy's girlfriend Stephanie.

1 comment:

Midlife Mom said...

Oh my goodness, they are soooooo cute! I see one little brown one in the bunch, is that common? I would have to sit right in there with them too! I'm afraid I would want to keep one for a pet....... :o)