Thursday, November 18, 2010


Fall is a busy time with the cattle. They all get hauled home from the pastures they have spent the summer in and they all get worked (shots and pregnancy test for the cows...shots, implants and castrating of bulls with the calves).
Fall is also when we wean the calves from their mothers and start feeding them and we put the cows on corn stalks for feed if the weather allows. I took a few pictures of the cows with my cell phone to share with you.Getting the cow herd rounded up to move to the corn field across the road.
We have to water the cows in the corn field daily so I have plenty of time to think and take pictures while the water is draining from the tank we haul from the the stock tank.

They were really thirsty this day....

They don't wait very patiently for their turn!


Sharon said...

Great shots of your cows.
The neighbor has haul his cattle in down the road and they are moooing like crazy,poor things are without their babies. I really do feel sorry for them.
Have a great day.

Hope4Grace said...

Holy crap. Just reading about you makes me exhausted. Girl you are superlady!

Cheryl said...

Farm wife you are. Always so busy and that's a lot of cows!

Rising Rainbow said...

I can imagine how long it takes to transfer the water. I know how long it takes to fill one of those suckers.

Weaning that many calves, must get noisy around there.

Tracy said...

I have a does one do a pregnancy test on a COW? :)

Midlife Mom said...

I always love the farm life pictures. I bet you have some pretty angry mama cows when you wean those babies, or maybe they sigh a sigh of relief! ha!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your beautiful family!!! xoxox

Farmchick said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family:)

Stop by for a visit...maybe even join in the fun of my recipe swap. :)

Rising Rainbow said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!